Forest School

We are always learning. We are Castleway.

Forest school at Castleway is based on a fundamental respect for children and young people to investigate and maintain curiosity in the world around them. Forest School is a long-term process of frequent and regular sessions in a woodland or natural environment, rather than a one-off visit. Planning, adaptation, observations and reviewing are integral elements of Forest School. A Forest School programme has a structure which is based on the observations and collaborative work between learners and practitioners.

During our Forest School sessions, we aim to develop, where appropriate, the physical, social, cognitive, linguistic, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of our children by giving them challenging and achievable tasks which build their confidence, skills and independence.

We also strive to give the children the time to thoroughly explore their thoughts, feelings and relationships which will impact on inter-personal relationships and skills. These have been directly linked to learning skills.

Castleway's Forest School Lead is Mrs. Bell. Mrs. Bell is a fully qualified Forest School practitioner. Mrs. Bell's sessions are supported by members of staff from across school... there's often a queue of staff wanting to support!

Our Forest School uses natural resources to stimulate imagination, creativity and investigation. 

Activities can include: 

  • Woodwork using tools, e.g. making musical instruments, jewellery, decorative items

  • Natural art

  • Fire lighting

  • Using knots and lashings

  • Shelter building 

  • Bug hunts and tree identification

There are many benefits to children taking part in regular Forest School sessions. For example, it can: 

  • Develop physical abilities and help participants to stay active and healthy.

  • Heighten self-awareness and improve emotional and social skills.

  • Promote co-operative and group working.

  • Encourage children to take care of themselves and others. 

  • Foster care, appreciation and respect for wildlife and wild places. 

  • Broaden knowledge and understanding of the natural world.

Who attends Forest School?

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have a weekly Forest School session.

Children in Year 3 have a fortnightly Forest School session.

Identified children from across the school (F2 - Y6) take part in small group, intervention sessions.

It is our intention that children in all classes will take part in a block of Forest School sessions during their time at Castleway.

Safety at Forest School

There is always an appropriate adult to participant ratio at Forest School. All activities are thoroughly risk assessed before the start of each session and Leaders continue to monitor the safety of the group as activities progress. There is always a trained first aider present at each session. 

What your child needs to wear for Forest School

The Forest School sessions will take place entirely outside in the wood whatever the weather. Your child will be provided with water proof clothing to go over their uniform or PE kit. They do not need to wear their own clothes. Children should bring their own wellington boots if they have them. Please ensure your child's name is clearly labelled in all items of clothing.



Castleway North,
Wirral, CH46 1RN


Mrs. K. Kay Business Manager


Mrs. J. McCarthy SENDCo


We are a Federation of 2 schools: In September 2022, Castleway Nursery School joined Castleway Primary School on the same site after significant refurbishment works from the Local Authority.